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Federación de fútbol de Crystal Lake

CLSF, a boys and girls soccer club in McHenry, IL, county with recreational and competitive leagues, logo.

Platinum Sponsor

  • Your name or company logo displayed on the Crystal Lake Soccer Federation website.

  • Recognition in our promotional materials and newsletters

  • Upgraded to a larger banner (4ft x 8ft) with your name or company logo displayed on the fence at Lippold Park during the soccer season.

  • Recognition during Crystal Lake Soccer Federation events and announcements

  • Prominent field sponsorship: banners (2ft x 6ft) on both sides of both goals at your sponsored field at Lippold Park

  • One social media shoutout per season during the fall, winter, and spring soccer seasons

  • Recognition as a Platinum Sponsor on all event materials, press releases, and website

  • One email shoutout to all CLSF families per soccer season (fall and spring)

Sea parte de la acción: beneficios de patrocinar el programa de fútbol CLSF

$5,000 per year

Asóciese con nosotros: conviértase en un patrocinador del programa de fútbol CLSF

¡Gracias por enviar!

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