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Federación de fútbol de Crystal Lake
Other Details:
Fun, engaging, instructional skills class with the Crystal Lake Force coaching staff.
Players will be grouped by age/ability & with their friends, and move from station to station every 15-20 minutes, working with multiple Force coaches each week.
Anthony Cappello - Assistant Director of Coaching
847.917.2347 /
April 17, 24
May 1, 8 , 15
5:00-6:00PM - U6 - Grades Pre K / K
6:00 - 7:00 PM U8 - Grades / 1st / 2nd
7:00 PM - 8:00 PM U10/U12 Grades 3rd-6th
Where: Lippold Park: 851 IL-176, Crystal Lake, IL 60014
Registatrion Fee:
Camp Details
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